November 16, 2010


I remember first time we met like it was just yesterday. It was my first week at hotel and I was incredibly hungry when I came to pool bar after finishin'  work in the afternoon. It was my first time I met u there. U introduced urself and took me to the kitchen, gave me sandvich with ham, cheese and tomato. I told u I hate tomatoes, but u didn't really care. So I just thanked and went to room. Danielle told me u were a good guy and that u helped her very much durin' her first days at hotel. This afternoons with sandwich were happenin' very often since then. We didn't talk much, I was sometimes complainin' about the work system or German guests and u were tellin' me how was it in the hotel from your experiences. U had plenty of them, coz as I remember, u were workin' there for many years. My first summer in hotel went fast I guess coz I simply cannot remember if we were goin' out much or not. But I do remember some other things which I'm gonna mention now...
For my second summer at hotel I took with me my two best friends, to have more fun by the sea far away from home. Three of us could have just good time together. As I expected u were there. We mailed each other durin' the winter so u knew I was comin' with friends. And I told u from the beginnin' not to even think about datin' one of them. But as usual u weren't listenin' and u took eye at the "weaker" one, Sonya. I told her not to mess up with u. Not that I wouldn't want her to be happy. I simply knew that u would screw her feelings. Remember Denisse? U proposed her before my first summer. Then u broke up and took the ring from her. Remember Mon? She came few weeks after me durin' the first summer, u gave her the same ring u gave to and took from Denisse and few weeks later u kicked her out of your house. How could u even think that I would approve such a think as u datin' my friend after all this I knew about u??? I was mad at u...and at Sonya as well, coz she didn't listen to me and she eventually left me at the bar alone to go somewhere with u!!! OMG u cannot imagine how mad I was that evenin'. Sonya could tell the time we stopped to comunicate. Durin' one fight at work u called me f*ckin' bitch. Remember how Dimitris wanted to punch u for that? :D I gotta laugh about it now...and after u called me pachavura? And when I found out what it means in greek I tough the whole really bad sentence to tell u, but I never did. We didn't talk till the end of summer. I didn't even say good bye when leavin' for flight home. But u never tried to make things right. So I guess I was still mad at u...all that time. I denied to apologize. What for? I wasn't that one who screw the rule of datin'.
I remember u mailed me askin' if I'm comin' back for my third summer. But I wasn't. Only Zoe was, but this time she knew that u are not that guy she should be datin'. I remember that evening u send me friend request on Facebook. And I ignored. I don't really know why I did so. If I was still little mad. U didn't apologized so it might be like that. I remember next day Zoe texted me u died. A car crashed into u with motorcycle at night. I couldn't believe what I just read. "Lucy, he died..." I certenly forgot about all bad, about the fights, u callin' me bitch and me callin' u malaka. And I thought of what good was there...the afternoons with sandwiches, the nights in Rhodes Town...the night u took me for my first ride at your motorcycle straight to tatoo saloon in Faliraki to get my second tatoo I wanted so much. I have to thank u for doin' this, coz if u didn't took me that night I wouldn't have my beautiful tatoo done. I'm sorry for leavin' without sayin' good bye. I really am. And I'm sorry I missed my last chance for talkin' to u...u might wanted to apologize or even just ask how I was...I admit that was the moment I screwed it.
It was 16 August 2010. Tears were fallin' down my face...and I still remember the first time we met at pool bar. I can hear your voice sayin' "Hey, I'm Alex. U must be Lucy, the new one."
In loving memory of my friend Alexis Licka, born 26 July 1974 and died 16 August 2010...

Sovička a Coccinelle

Čas? 01:10. Deň? V podstate už utorok, ale pre mňa ešte stále pondelok. Aspoň kým sa nedostanem do postele a ráno sa nezobudím. Prečo ešte nie som v posteli a nespím? Tak to ani sama neviem, ale som si istá, že keby nechám svoj mozog v nečinnosti čo i len na pol minúty, tak celkom určite by som zaspala. Ani by ma takéto ponocovanie nenapadlo nebyť Coccinelle. Počas našej konverzácie mi poslala zopár linkov na dokonale oblečených hviezdnych chlapov, fotky ktorých kedysi pred časom šupsla na svoj blog. Nejakým spôsobom som sa preklikla až k jej osobnej stránke a prečítala si niektoré príspevky. Po mojej vtipnej narážke na jednu vetu z článku s 5-timi bodmi o jej osobnosti ma zahriakla, vraj si z nej nemám robiť posmech. Akoby som to mala v úmysle...že som ja toto miesto neobjavila skôr??? Ušetrila by som nejaké tie stromy od spílenia, aby sa z nich vyrobil papier, na ktorý som ja potom čmárala svoje myšlienky či opisy mojich momentálnych pocitov. Cocci či Nelle alebo ako ťa tu budem volať, ďakujem, že si práve u mňa spôsobila zrod novej závislosti. Za tie necelé dva mesiace, čo sa poznáme je to už tretí krát!!! Ten prvý bol, keď si mi priniesla prvé dve série Gossip Girl. Práve sťahujem tretiu, aby som opäť mala dôvod podporovať svoju nespavosť :)Druhý krát, keď si mi pri posedení v kaviarničke na Zámockej predstavila Ice Beer. Aj tvojou zásluhou mám teraz bedňu tohto mňamkového pivečka na byte pod stolom(ako nejaký alkoholik) :D  Nelle, mám taký pocit, že ti budem povďačná ešte za veľa vecí v období najbližších minimálne troch rokov. A vieš čo? Vôbec mi to nevadí, vlastne som aj rada...